DSK overview

R&D achievements and patents

R&D achievement & patents

  • 2006. 01  Patent for sensing structure of the TFT-LCD mapping sensor
  • 2007. 12  Patent for Component Placement System and its method
  • 2008. 03  Patent for Component bonding system
  • 2010. 06  Patent for ACF bonding system
  • 2011. 05  Patent for FPC bonding system
  • 2012. 05  ACF split bonding system
  • 2012. 07  Patent for Probe unit for inspection of LCD panel
  • 2013. 05  Water culturing Vegetable planter system
  • 2013. 07  Multi water culturing vegetable planter system
  • 2014. 02  Patent for film type probe unit for display panel inspection
  • 2014. 02  Functional LED pot equipped with negative ionizer
  • 2015. 01  Patent for Panel Inspection Apparatus
  • 2016. 04  Apply for the patent for UV LED curing system

매핑센서의 센서부 구조, 부품 실장 장치, 부품 접착장치, ACF접착장치, 이방성 도전필름의 분할접합장치, 수경재배기, 멀티 수경재배 장치, 기능성 화분